Saturday 28 July 2012

An Alcoholic - objective shots

I made the short film according to storyboard today. I asked my brother in law to be an actor. I put here two videos. They differ only in last shot. In the first video I tried to make the dutch angle to support alcoholism when the actor is drinking out of the bottle but I think it did not work properly, I like the second one. The reason the dutch angle does not work is maybe because I made the shot from the left side of the actor instead all other shots are from right side. I do not know for this moment.

29.07.12 I think the angle when the actor is looking on the bottle should be lower than I have filmed it. I think it is not appropriate to see his profile, we know that he is looking to the left side but more appropriate would be shot where we see whole face from low angle as he looks on the bottle. I think the shots should be about one level closer to focus on his face. I also think that in the unscrew bottle shot there is a blink of his eyes which catch viewers attention too much and should be replace with better one. I try to make new shots tomorrow.

I prepared the sequence without the "connecting" shots as I mentioned in the comment before. It does not look so bad as I thought but of course there are jumps between the shots especially jump in zoom between the unscrew bottle and distraction. Even there is connecting thing that the actor is sniffing we feel it is not right (my opinion). That is the reason I put there the BCU of the nose in original. The jump between the distraction and drinking is a jump in time but is not so disturbing as the jump before. I remember a book which I read many years before which explains it. There is a notion: think asymmetry! The connection between the unscrewing bottle and distracting moment is in match there is the sniffing moment of an actor. On the other hand the last shot is not in match with the distraction moment and thus is more acceptable for viewer even we have feeling there is problem with time. The book which I can recommend to fellow students is The eye is quicker by Richard D. Pepperman, there are examples of cuttings from many well-known films. 

"I never cut for matches, I cut for impact." - Sam O'Steen


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